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One Application,
Many Uses
Derwaza has incorporated a myriad of features through custom built modules that have proven to be very useful for managing various aspects of hospital management and patient care. The numerous functions help you document, evaluate and control the clinical workflow processes, while bringing all stakeholders together in a unified system.
The Web based modules can be accessed using any device and compatible through commonly used browsers, whilst ensuring a secure and user friendly interface for patients and service providers. It supports customized workflow that strengthens the ability to implement the digital transformation projects.

The Essentials
The module allows patients to place orders for Medication, Nutrition and Consumables, and attach files through a user-friendly and secure interface. They can choose delivery options such as home delivery or hospital pick-up and track the order status in real-time. The module integrates care delivery across the facility and helps expand healthcare services. It serves as one of the important weapons a hospital uses to communicate and deliver required items to the patients without having the patient to visit hospital thereby preventing the spread of virus.
Establishes a connection between various Primary Healthcare Centers (PHC) and the different hospital departments. It serves as a unique and powerful tool for health providers to keep track of their patient referrals throughout the care continuum. The module provides health care organizations with a system to keep track of all the internal and external referrals with from different locations. This enables clinicians to identify and execute the triage process in a seamless manner. It is integrated with national databases to optimize the user time by filling minimum information. The customizable workflow and decision support tools help standardize the consult and referral process and drive compliance with best practices and defined service levels.
A powerful system, integrated with the customer journey, enables organizations to move customers seamlessly from online to an in-person visit. Scheduling, re-scheduling, cancellations, reminders, follow-ups and various other functionalities are easily handled with efficiency and without all the fuss that is associated with manual appointment management. It allows the service providers to manage the clinic appointments and have the option to select a telehealth appointment or a walk-in. The module allows the users to view either calendar view or list view for the appointments with the ability to filter on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. It provides the required privacy and security for patient health information (PHI) and allow service providers to view and search via customized search engines.
An easy to use, web based, and powerful solution for recording, tracking and analysing complaints and feedback. It automates the entire process of collecting and handling feedback through an online form or file. The complaint is automatically forwarded to the right people and the progress of each case is monitored and, where appropriate, brought to the attention of management through notifications and reports. Customer complaint data is centralized, tracked and reported from within a single system of record, increasing visibility and availability while helping you identify patterns and accelerate action planning to address them.
Call Centre
Designed by clinicians with inputs from the local community, it has proven to be one of the most practical solutions for social distancing and mitigating the spread of COVID-19. It is a secure communication channel that allows contact between patient and healthcare providers through receiving alerts via SMS. It is intended to increase the availability of the healthcare center and give patients an even better service. It allows the users to send questions regarding appointment, clinical conditions, medications and administrative questions. It can also be used to send a confirmation or reminder to the patient if they have an outpatient appointment. Patients can send a booking request to you when they are notified that you have received the query. It allows clinicians to send notes and different attachments with different providers.
Client Relations
Designed to address specific workflow challenges for Receptionists, Clerical staff, service providers and hospital management who needed to constantly to monitor and track patients flow in the facility. The module provides a federated search capability and comprehensive view for all patients admitted in the hospital and enables users to track the patient admission, discharge, transfer, and service providers to identify the patient location. For hospital management, it gave them a census view for all patients active in the facility and monitor the length of stay (LOS) for all patients in different locations. The module integrates with the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) to gather patient demographics and ADT information.
A primary notification engine for patients' appointment, referrals, reports and alerts. The module is designed with a user-friendly interface that is easy to use and that is customized in a manner where users can send bulk SMS messages in an simplified way. The module can be integrated with different SMS gateways available in the region. This communication tool allows the facility to reach out to the patients while they are at home to notify and alert them with any news, campaigns and programs that the facility is running. The module is designed to increase the patient engagement allowing stakeholders to immediately read, track and monitor the facility’s initiatives.
A channel through which online transactions are securely transmitted to the processor. It can be customized to meet the needs of any healthcare organization, big or small, all the while protecting patient information from fraud and security breech. It serves as a merchant service that process payment gateways and credit card payments for e-services. The e-service includes fees that patients pay for receiving healthcare services in the hospital such as medication, medical imaging procedures, laboratory procedures, admission discharge and more.
A professional hеlр desk that саn tаkе complete control оf all your customer service activities, thereby freeing staff tо gо about providing quality medical care. The module рrоvidеѕ a link between doctors, specialists, and labs which is ѕо critical. You can create tickets fоr all your tasks, and thus hаvе a seamless flow оf operations. It allows you to efficiently manage the tickets full life cycle. It brings about a highly efficient application process where уоu саn prioritize applications based оn criticality, assign it to appropriate staff fоr them tо handle and аlѕо monitor the course оf the activity. Send patients automated SMS, email, and voice reminders when appointments аrе booked and enable them tо confirm, cancel, оr request a reschedule all within the ѕаmе interaction.
The modules are integrated with clinical systems to streamline information exchange between doctors, patients, and other health practitioners. The cumulative capabilities of these modules include a range of advanced clinical decision support tools, secure notification, advanced documentation and workflow optimization that are fast, flexible and can be personalized to serve physicians, nurses, specialists, informaticists and the departmental needs.

Chart Tracking
Hospitals and clinics, even those with an electronic health record system, still relies on paper for many patient records. Derwaza' Chart Tracking module automates the process of requesting patients’ records from the doctors office to the Medical records department and vice versa. Since it is integrated with the Appointments module, these requests can be auto-generated once an appointment is set. When medical records are being moved across departments, users receive a notification flag from Derwaza to alert you that the records are on the way. Time and location stamps provide an update on records movements and supports chain of custody. Analytical review of these data enables hospital and medical records administrators to identify any gaps in the process.
Derwaza’ e-prescription module provides a user-friendly interface for doctors to prescribe medication in a safe and easy manner. Using minimal steps, doctors can locate patients through pre-defined identifiers, check their medication history, search for medications using its generic or brand name, check its availability in the pharmacy, choose the dose/route/duration, and generate a digital prescription with the least effort and time. Doctors can also create their own ‘favourites’ list which further minimizes the time required to enter prescription. The module is integrated with Medispan’ clinical decision support tools which helps in minimizing the clinical errors, thereby enhancing the patient safety and care. The module is integrated with Derwaza’ payment gateway.
Patient Transfer
Inefficient communication in transferring a patient to another department or facility could prove to be costly for a hospital. This module enables clinicians to seamlessly document and initiate the transfer of a patient. Automated notifications alerts ensure that concerned individuals are notified without delay and the process completed. The collected data on the patient transfer process also allows hospitals to examine potential gaps and inefficiencies and look for ways to improve its processes.
The highly transparent billing module is integrated across all the modules of Derwaza. This ensures that there is watertight billing and accuracy of various aspects of the hospital billing process. It is designed to handle In Patient, Out Patient, Laboratory and Diagnostic billing services which are required for the hospital on a daily basis.
Human Resources
An integrated system to track, manage and report on employee information. It covers all the essential areas like Organization Profile, Planning & Budgeting, Standard Personal Information, user defined information, Surveys & Queries, Incidents & Achievements, Training details, Growth History etc. In addition to Standards and Common Practices, the system supports user defined settings and formats.
Ambulance Management
A tool to provide real-time information to the emergency management sector base on Ambulance assignment, response, and patient transfer. It considers the fact that the Emergency call workflow is different than a Scheduled call workflow, allowing callers and dispatchers the ability to work through intake, notifications, scheduling, and collaboration with EMS as efficiently as possible.
A seamless user registration experience, which can often get bogged down with complicated data collection, validation and administrative tasks, is a key component of Digital transformation and adoption. Derwaza' Registration module is a user friendly interface to create accounts for users using multiple options, while maintaining data integrity.
Medical Report
Patients have the right to request their medical records and hospitals may have their own policies on how to address such requests. This module allows patients to submit an online request for their medical report and physicians to monitor such requests and to either accept or reject with their comments using simple customizable templates. Notifications and alerts are sent to the patient regarding the status of the request.
Triage Away
Overcrowding in emergency departments often results in increased mortality, reduced quality of care and staff burnout. Triage is a very brief intervention that should occur within 15 minutes of arrival or registration, and aims to sort patients’ priority for treatment based on their clinical need. Triage scales are useful in identifying the least urgent cases. Derwaza' Triage away module allows emergency doctors to effectively Triage a patient through user-friendly documentation templates. The enables the physician to determine whether the patient needs to be referred to a PHC or specialty centre. Patient will be notified whenever a re-orientation is documented in the system.
Identifying and measuring the achievements in a healthcare facility is of vital importance as it boosts morale among staff and influences patient satisfaction. This module enables users, across the organization, to seamlessly document all types of achievements within the facility – big or small. It enables administrators to easily collect, validate and manage these detailed information and create case studies of their achievements.
The module assists in equipment management activities across facilities, departments and teams. It takes care of the tedious work of tracking assets, maintaining proper inventory stock, fielding service requests, managing work orders, storing certifications and contracts and much more.
Phone Index
Contacting a clinician, especially in times of an urgency, can be quite challenging especially when you don’t know whom to contact. The phone index module manages all phone numbers and extensions inside the facility, categorically sorted with a powerful and flexible search function allows you to search data by any criteria. Contacts with frequently used phone numbers can be added as favorites.
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